Your child goes off to school and has a great day of fun and learning. The bell rings for home time and your child has no idea how they are getting home. The teachers are confused, your child is confused and you get a phone call asking what is happening. Is your child going on the bus, are you picking her up or is Aunty Flo coming to get her???

My routine bag tag will solve all of these issues. Each day you just put the correct tag into the holder and at the end of the day your child knows exactly what they are doing and where to go. Just attach the whole thing to your child’s bag so they can’t lose it.  I used a clear luggage tag with a ‘D’ hook that I had lying around in my drawer from a theme park pass we purchased in Queensland on one of our holidays. If you don’t have something similar you can buy the clear luggage tags on Ebay and they’re very cheap.

Make sure you get into the habit of changing the tag at night before you go to bed so that in the morning it doesn’t get forgotten. All your child has to do is check their bag tag at the end of the day and there won’t be any more embarrassing phone calls!