Have you got sentimental clutter that has been weighing you down for years? Cleaning out the clutter from your past does not mean you will forget about the memories that these treasures carry, it just means you are free to live your life in the present. The emotional baggage that comes with the clutter just hanging around creates a cluttered mind. When you clear your sentimental clutter you can then have a free mind to concentrate on the things that are happening now. Here’s a few tips to get you started:

1. Hold the item and ask yourself, “Does this serve me any purpose now?”. If it doesn’t, then get rid of it or give it away. Oh and when I say give it away I don’t mean make it someone else’s sentimental clutter, only give it away if you know someone else will have a genuine use for it.
If you are still holding onto lots of sentimental clutter you are stopping yourself from living in the NOW with your loved ones. It’s okay to remember the past but don’t let it weigh you down.
Free yourself now! The feeling when you get rid of your sentimental clutter is amazing! Try it for yourself. If you have no use for it now you probably never will.